Here Comes That Feeling Again Blue Oyster Cult

The 10 best Blueish Oyster Cult songs, by Eric Bloom

Blue Oyster Cult
(Image credit: Ed Perlstein\/Redferns\/Getty)

"Looking through a list of Blueish Öyster Cult's material, certain songs jump out at me, and none are the and then-called hits!" says Eric Blossom of his challenge. "There'due south nothing wrong with our large songs, of course. Simply possibly I've played them also many times. Those songs are peachy, and I probably wouldn't have been asked to do this listing at all without (Don't Fright) The Reaper and Burnin' For Y'all. But I'chiliad jumping into the listing without including whatever of those, and probably with some trepidation since many of these were written by me. But that makes them special as far as I'grand concerned. So, here they are, in no particular gild."

Goin' Through the Motions (1977)

"This comes from the Spectres anthology. Information technology was written by myself with Ian Hunter. We did this in my basement. For me, it is just a nice poppy kinda melody. But whenever I hear this, it brings dorsum peachy memories of spending an afternoon writing it with a proficient friend. I'm besides very happy that Bonnie Tyler decided to cover it on her album Faster Than The Speed Of Night."

Accept Me Away (1983)

"We did this vocal for The Revolution Past Nighttime album. It was co-written by myself with Aldo Nova. What happened was that Aldo gave me a cassette – yep, old technology! - of the track as he envisioned it, and I then wrote the lyrics to go with this. It is a nifty runway and holds up well today. The way I wrote the words was as a message …'C'mon, take me abroad'. If you think nigh the flick Cocoon, and then you'll become what I was going on near hither."

I Honey The Night (1977)

"Over again, from Spectres. This is a peachy tune written past guitarist Buck Dharma. It is a haunting, even so nicely produced song. The thing about it is that this is very tough to play live. Fifty-fifty at present, we discover information technology hard to go right on stage. Notwithstanding, we do occasionally nail information technology."

  • Bluish Öyster Cult: "They wanted us to be the American Blackness Sabbath"
  • Art: Eric Bloom
  • Blue Öyster Cult: Story Behind (Don't Fear) The Reaper
  • The acrid-dazed days of the ring that became Blue Oyster Cult

Black Bract (1980)

"Nosotros did this for the Cultosaurus Erectus album. Information technology was co-written by myself, John Trivers and Michael Moorcock, and was based on Moorcock'south books. Mike was sending me lyrics past mail (way before the cyberspace, folks). I had sent him a fan boy letter of the alphabet, and we had so met for dejeuner, which led to u.s.a. collaborating on 3 songs in the cease. And we ever did it the sane way, via the post. This song was inspired by the ballsy story of Elric Of Melnibone and his sentient weapon."

Veteran Of The Psychic Wars (1981)

"This was something we did for the Burn down Of Unknown Origin album. Like Blackness Blade, it was written by myself with Michael Moorcock. And again, it was done the same way, with him sending me lyrics in the mail service. It was besides based on his books, and luckily for us information technology was chosen to be included on the Heavy Metallic animated film soundtrack."

Run into You In Black (1998)

"This is from the Heaven Forbid album. It written by myself and Buck, with the lyrics coming from John Shirley (similar Moorcock, some other fantasy writer) because this comes from one of our later albums, a lot of people don't know this melody, which is a shame. Because to be blunt, it rocks similar fuck. And we do sometimes play this one live."

Truthful Confessions (1976)

"This is from the Agents Of Fortune album. Recently on tour, we've been playing the whole of that album live. What information technology'south done is reawaken in me an appreciation for the songwriting abilities of the late Allen Lanier, (keyboards, guitar), who came up with this rails. When you lot revisit songs like this, it makes yous realise how good Allen was, and how much he gave to our catalogue."

Lonely Teardrops (1979)

"This comes from the Mirrors album. And was again written by Allen. Rediscovering his tunes has been both refreshing and sad at the aforementioned time (Lanier died in 2013). Knowing him and then well, he wrote as a true artist. It would be easy to also include In Thee on this listing. That's another track from Mirrors. At that place, I've mentioned it now."

Perfect Water (1985)

"A song from the Gild Ninja album. This is just a very clever Buck tune. And it's always fun to play. Mind you, it'due south tricky to do live, simply when it's done right in forepart of a hardcore crowd of fans, it's always a winner."

Lips In The Hills (1980)

"This is another tune from Cultosaurus Erectus. It's a Buck melody, but with a contribution from me and lyrics which were written by Richard Meltzer (rock critic and performer). The lyrics are rather loony, actually. They're supposedly drug-influenced: 'The night that I saw lips in the hills'. What does that hateful? But who cares! This track rocks keen, with a terrific walking bass line from Joe Bouchard."

Heir-apparent'southward Guide: Blue Öyster Cult

Malcolm Dome had an illustrious and historic career which stretched back to working for Record Mirror magazine in the late 70s and Metal Fury in the early on 80s before joining Kerrang! at its launch in 1981. His first book, Encyclopedia Metallica, published in 1981, may have been the inspiration for the name of a sure ring formed that same year. Dome is also credited with inventing the term "thrash metal" while writing about the Anthrax song Metallic Thrashing Mad in 1984. He would later become a founding fellow member of RAW stone mag in 1988.

In the early on 90s, Malcolm Dome was the Editor of Metallic Forces mag, and too involved in the horror film magazine Terror, before returning to Kerrang! for a spell. With the launch of Archetype Rock magazine in 1998 he became involved with that title, sis mag Metal Hammer, and was a contributor to Prog mag since its inception in 2009. He was actively involved in Total Rock Radio, which launched as Rock Radio Network in 1997, changing its name to Total Stone in 2000. In 2022 he joined the TeamRock online team as Archive Editor, uploading stories from all of our print titles and helping lay the foundation for what became Louder.

Dome was the writer of many books on a host of bands from AC/DC to Led Zeppelin and Metallica, some of which he co-wrote with Prog Editor Jerry Ewing.


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